Code of Conduct
Article One: Basic Expectations
As we are all responsible members of a group of like-minded individuals, we will treat each other with due kindness and respect at all times.
We will not act in such a manner as to demean ourselves, each other, or the group.
Should an interpersonal problem arise, we will handle it privately and reasonably.
Article Two: Trolls
Please do not be a troll in our forums or gatherings. It’s fine to have an opinion, but please do not intentionally antagonize anyone in either arena.
Article Three: Zero Harassment Policy
Harassment of any kind is unacceptable. If you are having an issue with another member because of harassment, bullying, or any variety of unwanted attention, please contact a club officer immediately.
We strive to be a safe, open, and welcoming community for our players.
Article Four: The Drama Exception
We reserve the right to remove a troublesome individual from any situation for the good of the group. Should it be necessary, we may remove a member.
Article Five: RSVP Policy
All events will have a set number of seats, decided by the GM running said event. A waiting list will be made available in case openings arise.
After three no shows or excessive tardies, the GM may ask the player not to return. The GM will determine what they consider tardy, and inform players upon game start.
If using private address for events, address' for the location WILL NOT be publicly posted. The GM will notify players via email and other means of the location information. This information is NOT to be further disseminated by players.